Monday, November 8, 2010

Measuring Up

Today when I took LM to his occupational therapy appointment we saw an extremely petite woman. LM looked at me and started to giggle. "Mom, do you see that tiny lady?" Yep, I see her-- keep walking! As we headed into the lobby I had to stop by the front desk and check him in. And when I reached the waiting room there he was, standing next to the lady with his hand up to measure who was taller (she had him by about an inch). Aye, aye, aye....

1. LM: "Mom, I love you so much-- your breath is enchanting!"
(Practicing his pick-up lines for the future, perhaps?)

2. LM: "Shut it, Ruby!"
Hubby: "Don't say 'shut it', LM."
LM: "But you say it!"
Hubby: "Yeah, but I'm not always a good example."
(Wha'? Hold on a sec....)

3. Creepy Old Man: (said to me while I was grocery shopping with Ruby) "Wow-- you sure are pretty for a mom."
(Ruby was completely disgusted and horrified by this. It was a thing of beauty.)

4. LM: "Today I got in trouble for calling Alexis nutty."
Me: "Ohhhh-- you got in trouble for that?"
LM: "Yeah. But she actually is pretty much a nut-job."

5. LM: (listening to the doctor and I discuss his Asperger's) "What? I have Asperger's?!"
Me: "Yes, remember we talked about it?"
LM: "Oh yeah-- the thing that makes me cool!"
(I am so glad that is what he gleaned from our conversation. Especially since a classmate of LM's recently informed him that his mom said LM had something wrong with his brain. Nice.)

6. LM: "Mom, can I watch TMNT?"
Me: "Homework first."
LM: "Are you going to challenge me, old woman?"

7. LM: (drinking a glass of pop which he thought was water) "Hey, it's Sprout!"
Hubby: "You mean Sprite."
LM: "Oh yeah!"
(Pop is such a rare commodity around our house he doesn't even know what to call it. Actually, I find that kind of awesome.)

8. Ruby: (examining a photo of herself from 2nd grade) "Ahhhhh, look at me-- I'm soooo cute!"

9. Ruby: (divulging a list of her secret crushes) "It's good to have a lot of options."
(Well, I suppose so.... But at 10??)

10. LM: (after I'd praised him profusely for getting himself ready for school in the morning-- without help) "Yeah, I'm getting pretty responsible!"
Me: "Yes, you are!"
LM: "Yep, I've learned all my lessons! Mom, don't you think it's about time for me to leave the house?"
(Wait a minute-- not so fast, buddy.)

11. LM: (after he and I had a lively dance party in the living room) "Mom, will you never forget this night for the rest of your life?"
Me: "Never!"
LM: "Oh. I'm going to forget it."
(Okay, then.)

12. LM: (after Ruby had smacked his sneaky hand away from her dessert) "Hey!"
Hubby: "Jeez, Ruby, don't be so violent!"
Ruby: "Sorry Dad, I have ninja reflexes-- it's just my nature."
(Hmmmm, she has a point....)

That's it for now! As always, stay tuned....

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