Monday, November 9, 2009

See For Yourself

I discovered LM with a black nose and Sharpie in hand the other day. When I asked him what the heck that was all about, I thought it'd be fun to record his answer.... (Ummm-- don't look at all the clutter in the background, okay?)

Now you have visual proof that I do not make up stuff for this blog....

Uh, by the way, does anyone know how to remove black Sharpie from human skin? We've managed to tone the color down to gray, but that just gives off the impression that someone punched him. Not good. Looking for some ideas here!


  1. oh my lands DID have a rough weekend!
    I love that kid by the way!

  2. Ha! You can tell he's just watching himself on the computer as he's talking.
    "Arg! I'm so stupid! And I wish Megatron was not online."


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