Friday, June 8, 2012

Up Yours, Upchuck!

Puke makes me wanna puke. And I've been having to clean up the stuff a lot lately. Our dog, Carson, has been graciously providing me with oodles of opportunities to fight my gag reflex in the last week.  (I suspect it's all the cat-poop she's eating out in the yard-- or something else equally delicious. Whatever it is, it's brown, chunky, and contains bits of yard waste.) Huge yard + no fence = one giant doggie buffet.

But what I really want to know is; why do dogs always have to find a spot of carpet to puke on? Our upstairs is completely hardwood floors except for an area rug and a few foot-wiping mats by the doors. Yet she has managed to land 75% of her vomit on the aforementioned carpeting. Why, why WHY? The only time she's managed to spew on the hardwood is when I've seen it coming and tried to get her outside first-- but there's no doubt in my mind she was aiming for the rug. She just loves pukin' on that rug....

So, is it just my dog who prefers to make my clean-up job infinitely more difficult, or is it a universal canine trait? Just curious....

And don't worry, she appears to be doing just fine now. (Well, as fine as an ancient boxer can be, that is.)


  1. I do believe that it's a universal doggie trait that all vomit must land on a soft carpeted surface! Angel's not much of a "puker" but she will make the extra effort to get off of the tile and make it at least to the edge of a throw rug when she's got upchucking on her mind!

  2. Haha! I must research the psychology behind this!

  3. And I can agree completely!!! Just yesterday Shelby left the tile floor to step on the carpet in the dining room to upchuck. He hit the edge of a throw rug but was able to put the rest of the mess on my (just shampooed) carpet. If you figure out their reasoning, let me know :-))

  4. Hmmm, I see the potential for an invention here!

  5. The same goes for messes out the other end, I've found.


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