Monday, August 20, 2012

I'm Serious...No, Really!

I thought perhaps I'd try to write something serious for a change. You know, to show another deeper side of me. 'Cause I sure as heck wouldn't want anyone to think I'm a one-trick-pony, or that I don't have the needed maturity to tackle challenging subject matter.

So I'll just share what's been on my mind lately. I'm gonna freestyle a bit here, so bear with me as my profound thoughts flow freely from brain to screen.

Shame. Shame and prejudice. The shame that accompanies prejudice. Ugly, shameful prejudicity...prejudiceness...prejudicism...oh, whatever.

I feel I can speak out on this topic because I have a wart on my elbow. Now hear me out; this is a really ugly wart. (I would post a picture, but when I googled "warts"...{shudder}. Free advice: do not google warts.) Anyway, I've had it for at least 5 years now. My doctor says the wart will go away on its own, and if growing exponentially larger is part of this "going away" process, then she is absolutely right.

I've tried numerous remedies. Kombucha, garlic, tea tree oil, prescription wart remover, OTC wart remover, nitrogen, canola oil, and now, duct tape. This thing is stubborn like nobody's business!

You're asking what any of this has to do with shame and prejudice. I'm not exactly sure.... Hey, I said this was going to be free-style!

Okay, okay, I'll tie this all together. Just give me a sec.... Ah-ha! I feel shamed by the prejudice I experience from this wart. You should see how kids stare at it! I mean, it's sooooo shameful.

Ach. Never mind. I can't do it....


  1. I have to admit, when i initially thought this really WAS a serious post I was Kinda skeptical. But you never disappoint! Have you tried Wart-Off yet? Not some other brand of over the counter wart remover...Wart-Off... just try it. You have to be super consistent for it to work but Ike gets warts on his feet every so often and it works every time.

    1. Alrighty-- if the duct tape doesn't work, Wart-Off is next! (I've tried Compound W to no avail....)

  2. Giiiirrrllll! I have your remedy. I'll mail it to you. I will shamefully admit that I also get warts. The one that I battle is underneath my toenail. Uuugh...the pain is almost unbearable at times. It pushes up my toenail to a freakish point that I almost can't even wear closed-toe shoes. My doctor recommended removing the nail and scraping the wart. Ummm....huh? And the nail may never grow back? Yeah, I'm going to pass on that one. A little bottle of homeopathic tablets called Thuja Occidentalis will do the trick. I only one bottle of it and the wart died and fell out (okay this is gross, but cool too). Anywhoo...going to the store today and I will send it in the mail. Hold off on Wart-Off...try this first!!

  3. I also have a is called Moscow and smells like the paste we used when I was in grade school. Now that you know what an old remedy this is, you also must know that it works!! I had a plantars (sp) wart when Gpa and I were first married. Had Xray treatments and we used to cut it off with a razor blade (didn't work), but this OTC worked.....and never have had a problem since. However, I think Julie is much more confident with her remedy. Do you swallow the tablets to kill the wart?? What happens to your other body parts??? :-)

  4. Ladies, I will try ANYTHING! Imagine not being able to lean on your elbow for 5+ years? Could my life be any harder?


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