Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Latest....

LM has been in spectacular form lately. Especially when my aunt was in town for a visit last week. I try not to hover over LM too much, but I feel like I need to be on hand to explain in case he says anything not quite...appropriate. Like, for instance, when he told my aunt she didn't bring him the correct toys as a gift-- that next time she should bring something better. And then he gave her a detailed description of what exact type of toy he likes and where to buy it. Mortified, I took him into the other room to explain how rude this behavior was, and that he needed to go and thank my aunt right away for the wonderful toys she had brought him. "Thank you!" he said, as he bounded back into the room. He then dropped one of his favorite action figures into her lap. "They look like this," he whispered to her, covertly trying to get her to notice the type of toy he was expecting next time. Then he quickly scampered off. Aye, aye, aye.

1. Ruby Jane: (as she and her brother were vying for my best snuggle-worthy parts) "You can have her bottom as long as I can have her cookie dough belly!"

2. LM: (as his little friend was talking incessantly) "Stop jabbering off my ear! Can you play the quiet game?"

3. Ruby: (after having asked why our church denomination is called Foursquare) "Oh, I thought it was because they had foursquare courts in every classroom."
(On second thought....)

4. LM: (looking at a very beefy, rugged-looking man) "He could take you down, right Dad?"
Hubby: "...I guess...."

5. LM: "Mom, you should have given me a different name."
Me: (thinking uh-oh, here it comes-- the 'why didn't you just name me John?' conversation) "Why's that?"
LM: "It's just silly! It should be something like Megamind instead."
Me: "Ohhhhhh. Okay, Megamind."

6. LM: "Mom, did you know I'm 7?"
Me: "Yes, I did."
LM: "Well, actually I'm 7 and a half and a quarter and a penny."

7. LM: (who had rushed downstairs to change into his Megatron outfit the moment he heard his friend at the door).
Friend: "Hi, LM. Watcha doin'?"
LM: (lifting weights and acting as though her presence was a complete surprise) "Oh! Hi there, Auna! I'm just doing a little workout."
(Oh mylanta! He's already trying to "impress" girls! Help!)

The fun just never ends, does it?

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