Thursday, January 13, 2011

Fake ID

I may have made a ninny of myself tonight, but I'm sure nobody is surprised to hear this. I was at a restaurant with some girlfriends, see, and needed to get some change before paying my bill. I was directed to the bar for this transaction, but was stopped before I could walk in.

"Are you over 21?"

A simple yes or no would have sufficed. But I was much too flattered to let it go at that.

"Really? Do I look like I'm not over 21?" I asked a little too giddily. "'Cause I was 21 ages ago!" (I think over a decade can be defined as "ages"-- don't you?) I proceeded to blather on a bit more before thanking the hostess profusely for asking.

The girl looked at me with what could have been construed as pity, or possibly just annoyance. But I don't care. I wanted to ask her a bit more about what it was exactly that led her to believe I might not be old enough to walk into a bar. My wonderful hair? My youthful skin? My cool outfit? Let's discuss! But this gal was clearly not as interested in the topic as I was. Reluctantly, I decided to let it go. So I walked into the lounge area, looking around to see if anyone else was noticing the child who had just snuck in amongst them. But, um, nobody noticed. Bummer.

So I conducted my business and left the lounge, back into a reality where my friends think it's hilarious anyone would mistake me for a minor. Yeah, but it was a fun fantasy-land trip while it lasted....

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