Sunday, April 17, 2011


I really need to have guests over more often-- and I say this for a number of reasons. First of all, my floor gets vacuumed and my toilet receives a wipe-down, and this is definitely cause for celebration. Second of all, I get to eat a real dinner. You know, not just a peanut butter and jelly sandwich or a bowl of oatmeal. I mean a real dinner with, like, all the food groups and everything. Thirdly, it's an excuse to get rid of the kids. (Errr...I mean, bless grandma with their cherub-like presence.)

But you know the best reason to have guests over? Balderdash. I laughed, I cried, I learned useless facts I will never remember. But I tell ya, you get insight into people's innermost beings when you hear their imaginary definitions of obscure words. (I can't tell you what I learned about my brother-in-law-- you'll have to play the game with him yourself sometime. One word: quirky.) And it certainly didn't hurt that all the folks sitting around the table were highly intelligent and creative sorts (ummm, myself excluded)-- they probably would have made a game of Go-Fish seem like an inventive pursuit.

Yet, just like Cinderella after the ball, my carriage has turned back into a pumpkin (amazing how fast kids can do that to a clean-ish house). And I think it might be pancakes for dinner again tonight. But to those folks who provided such rich, grown-up entertainment on Friday-- thank you for the fond memories (and the clean toilet).


  1. Why it was a grown up world we'd all but forgotten. Disneyland, child's play! Balderdash and dinner fit for a king and court, a whole 'nother level. Been years, YEARS since we had so much FUN.

  2. I LOVE Balderdash! (The 3-letter acronyms are my favorites. I can actually make them believable!) There's a newer version called Beyond Balderdash that I've heard is even more fun than the original. Do you think we could pull off a game night at the beach in July? :-)

  3. Shucks, I feel the same way, Linds! Thanks for a REALLY great evening! I'm still laughing about "Good buy pork pie"! That was the hardest I've laughed in a long time!


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