Monday, August 17, 2009

How Exciting!!!!!!

I was just reading a pamphlet today about a kids program! And I don't know about you, but I've noticed there seems to be a common theme amongst brochures/pamphlets written for kids! Has anyone else noticed before?! I mean, my mind was reeling with all the excitement of reading sentence after sentence with exclamation marks concluding every single thought! In fact, I was so hyped-up after reading it I felt like I could run a marathon! I wanted to go do something! But instead I sat down to write a blog post because I'm stuck here at home for the moment! And there is nowhere else for all this energy to go except into more exclamation marks! So I hope you find this as inspirational and exciting as I found the pamphlet! Go! Do something fun, my friends!

As for me, I am now too exhausted to even get up! I'm gonna go rest! Or maybe read something dull until this headache passes!

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