Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Pinch Me!

You are never going to believe this. I almost didn't believe it myself-- until he actually showed up at my door. You see, my dad came over to babysit this morning. Um, what's so remarkable about that, you ask? Oh, I'll tell you. My son has been fighting his umpteenth stomach bug of the school year (complete with multiple vomitous episodes and diarrhea to boot), and my dad actually offered to come hang with the boy this morning so I could take Ruby Jane to her dermatology appointment.

Now, if you know my dad well, you know that he has probably already abandoned the reading of this post at the mere mention of body fluid. (Heck, one time I referred to my belly-button in his presence and that even triggered a wince and an evacuation from the room.) The guy has a marshmallow stomach. (I can be brutally honest here, because as I mentioned, he's probably already dry-heaving over the toilet right now.) And if not, watch, I can get him outta here faster than you can say "placenta". Okay, we can speak freely now.

Anyway, as I was saying.... Puke. For some reason LM has a propensity for the stuff. And this morning was no exception. Breakfast went down, and promptly returned via the same route. I decided this situation justified a call to Mommy 911 (and, no, I'm not too old to call Mommy 911!). But my mommy wasn't available. Shoot, I thought, there goes Ruby's appointment. But as it turned out, all was not lost. Dad said, "well, what about if I came over while you went to the appointment?" Hmmmm.... "I don't think this is really a Popi job, Dad," I sighed. But he was not to be so easily dissuaded. I reminded him that actual barf had been projected from LM's mouth not a half hour before, but not even this (or LM's crying in the background) was enough to stop him. Dad?? Dad, is that really you??

So a half hour later he was at my door and Ruby and I were off. My hero! And I'm happy to report that his stay was uneventful. (Phew! Although finding out how he would have handled upchuck would have made for a highly amusing tale, I'm sure.) Ruby, on the other hand, was subjected to yet another biopsy.... A fun morning for all, I'd say!

So Dad, if you made it this far-- I just wanted to say...thanks.

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