Sunday, May 2, 2010

Robots In Disguise

LM: (talking to the hair-stylist-in-training who was about to cut his hair) "Uh, do you do Transformer haircuts?"
Stylist Guy: (deadpan) "Oh yeah. We definitely do."
LM: "I'll get one of those."

The guy then looked at me quizzically as if to ask how exactly I'd like this fandangled Transformer haircut to look. I shrugged-- and then noticed the subtle stripes cut into one side of his hair. LM noticed them too. LM liked the stripes. So I gave the dude a thumbs-up to "funkify" LM's haircut in a similar fashion and this is what he came up with. (For those who receive these posts directly into their inboxes and therefore can't view the photos, go directly to my blog at: if you'd like a peek at the 'do.)

I suppose it won't surprise you to learn that LM adores his new cut. He says it even makes him run faster. Wow-- now that is a performance haircut!

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