Friday, May 22, 2009

A Word Of Advice

Hypothetically speaking....

If you ever spontaneously go and see a movie with my dad, and before that movie begins you ask him, "is this a creepy movie?" and he says, "no"-- don't believe it.  It is, in fact, the creepiest movie ever.  (Although, he will be the only person in the theater giggling hysterically.)

I mean, hypothetically speaking, of course.  Like that would ever happen!


  1. Phyllis Noll FarrMay 23, 2009 at 2:37 PM

    Finally figured out how to become a "follower", but the photo is beyond far

  2. Phyllis Noll FarrMay 23, 2009 at 2:38 PM

    I thought I did post a comment.....maybe becoming a "follower" isn't as easy as I thought....??


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